Thursday, December 27, 2012


Holiday is coming!!!! Close your book and go traveling! Yap. Sudah terima raport alhamdulilah 3 besar lagi. I'm gonna spend this holiday only in jogja and malang. This morning I went to malang with my family by car. Hopefully we can get the city safely. Amin.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


because everyone has their own characteristics, so don't hope and treat the same things to different people.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


setiap manusia punya plus minus di dirinya masing-masing. ya bisa dibilang udah satu paket. kalo kita nerima seseorang masuk ke kehidupan kita, gak cuma lebihnya yang kita terima tapi juga buruknya. saat kita nerima seseorang juga, berarti kita siap nerima bahagia yang dia bawa dan siap menghadapi resiko yang ada.sesempurna apapun suatu hal, pasti ada kurangnya.

ada manusia yang mudah ngeliat lebihnya dan ada juga manusia yang lebih mudah ngeliat jeleknya. dua hal ini sama-sama punya dampak yang bagus dan jelek. kalo kita mudah ngeliat kelebihan dalam diri kita, bisa jadi hal itu bikin kita tau kemana kita harus melangkah karna tau potensi pada diri kita dan jeleknya kita jadi lupa diri seakan diri kita itu gak ada kurangnya. beda sama orang yang lebih mudah ngeliat buruknya sendiri. bagusnya itu dia bakal bisa ngehargain orang lain karna dia bakal mikir dua kali sebelum ngejudge orang lain. jeleknya orang dengan sifat ini adalah dia bakalan kurang bersyukur karna yang ada dibayangin dia cuma kekurangan aja. gak sadar kalo ada kelebihan yang dia punya.

Friday, September 07, 2012


Hi...I miss my blog so much.I've been busy a whole week. because many school task I have to done. actually, it's not burden me. I only must be smarter to manage time. I tried to enjoy every additional lessons I had. and at the fact, I could did it.I had additional lessons every day. I'll tell you once again. it's not burden me. really! instead, I felt delighted for every lesson I through. maybe it's because I had a fun  teacher or a funny classmate or comfortable place or another reason. whatever it is, I love my new daily habit.

I'll do the best cause I can do the best. I'll make every people around me proud of me. especially, my family. people who always support me all the time. and thanks for all of the facility dad! I'll utilize them well ;)

this afternoon I took a photo from a photostudio. 2 weeks ago, I and amel had a photoshoot at one of photostudio in our town. and here they are!

it might be alay :p

Monday, August 27, 2012


Have you ever heard a water world named pandawa? If yet, Let me tell you about that place. It located at solo baru, jawa tengah, indonesia. From my town, We need take one and half hour to go there. Actually, pandawa only facilities from a luxury housing. I've been go there for many times. But, I've never go there with my schoolmate. So, I ask them for it. Finally, we went there on Sunday, August 26, 2012. We gather at my home at 8 a.m. after we had breakfast, we departed by my car at 8.30 a.m. Sorry I forget to mention my friends's name who went there with me. They're ocha, sasa, karin, mb linda,fabian, aldo and nadif. On our way to pandawa, we didn't slept. We just joked and laughed for stupid things. But, it was fun. Very fun!

We arrived pandawa at 10 a.m. At the same time, pandawa made promo. If you're use M3 card on your ponsel, the promo is valid for you. And the promo is....BUY ONE GET ONE FREE! And yesterday was the last day of the promo. So, we only bought 4 tickets to get 8 tickets. How lucky we was! After changed our outfit to swimsuit, we swam! No, I think we not swam but we played every water games there. It was very fun!

After felt tired, we took a bath. Our first plan, we'll have lunch at pandawa food court. But, Aldo asked me to have lunch at mall. At first, I suggested to go paragon mall, the new mall at solo. Everyone agree. But I changed my mind, I said that solo square is in the same direction with our town. They agree again. After called my driver, we went solo square. It took 15 minutes to go there. We had lunch at KFC. After had lunch, we stopped by at JCO. We bought yoghurt, ice cappucino and chocolate. Because it was too evening, so we decided to go home. We were at home at 4.30 p.m.
Yesterday was a nice long trip. Thanks for the time☺♡

It few of the photos mb linda's took.

Friday, August 03, 2012


yesterday was so memorable. my school held an event break fasting together. the event started from 5pm till 8pm. after that, I and some of my friends went to bangjo tamsis. I arrived home at 9 pm. for me, they're the best thing I've ever had. thx God☺

Friday, June 29, 2012


alhamdulilah kemarin sore udah sampe jogja. emang sih meleset banget dari jadwal. tapi tetep seneng kok. gak enaknya itu paling ya karna lagi sariawan sama kelamaan di bis nya.

hari pertama di bali, tujuannya ke tanah lot. dari pelabuhan ke tanah lot itu waktunya sampe setengah hari. bener-bener bikin capek.sampe sana, ya kita pada foto-foto trus pada beli udeng gitu. fyi, aku cuma bawa uang 150ribu. 50 di saku dan 100 di tas. sisanya di bagasi. dan ini bener-bener bikin KAGOL. sama sekali gak bisa belanja di sana. dari tanah lot kita ke bedugul trus ke joger. oiya, di bedugul asik banget lho. walaupun dingin tapi keren banget tempatnya. pas di joger aku cuma beli sandal doang. ya karena gak bawa duit itu..HIKSSS. 9.30 malem kita sampe di hotel. beres-beres, mandi-mandi, bercandaan makan waktu banyak . jadinya baru bisa tidur jam 12 malem.

hari kedua di bali, tujuan pertama nonton barong. menurutku awesome banget!☺ abis dari sana ke istana presiden tapak siring. walaupun emang jujur ya aku rada males ke obyek wisata satu ini. gak cuma aku yang lain juga sih. soalnya kita dipaksa harus pake seragam. hufttt. menurutku tapak siring keren banget tempatnya, asik buat foto juga. dari tapak siring langsung ke kuta. di kuta sedikit banget waktunya. but still fun. main air dong pastinya. abis dari kuta kita ke krisna. nah karna uang yang di koper udah di tangan jadinya aku bisa belanja banyak HUAHAHA!!! jam 10an malem kita sampe di hotel. dan tidur jam 12 lagi.

hari terakhir di bali. kerasa sebentar banget tour nya. tapi ya gimana emang harus pulang kan? hari terakhir ada sedikit masalah. jadi, ke museum bajra sandi nya di batalin. aku sih nggakpapa. BENER-BENER NGGAKPAPA. asalkan ke tanjung benoanya gak di cancel. setelah check out, sarapan, dan nunggu sekitar 2jam an akhirnya kita ke tanjung benoa. karena hari terakhir jadi duit udah pada tipis-tipis. yaudah kita cuma ke pulau penyu. rombonganku sih aku, ocha , amel , nilam , dhika , sasa, nindia, tira, anis, dessy. trus aku nindia amel ocha anis dhika main banana boat. ah, ini baru bali! makasih smp9 kususnya 013 buat best experience nya! Its so memorable and unforgetable guys!