hello everybodeeeh, selamat berhari Rabu. it was special day. you know why? that's because I got home at 3pm hahaha. sekarang udah ngerasain gimana rasanya jadi anak SMA. ya memang nggak semua anak SMA itu pulang di atas jam 3 sore, tapi aku iya. and seriously, it's so exhausted! biasanya kalo SMP jam setengah 12 udah bel pulang, kalaupun ada les paling sampe jam 2. beda banget sama SMA yang jam 2 baru bubar. itu salah satu perbedaannya. yang lainnya? banyak banget. dimulai dari tugas, teman-teman, aktivitas, dan lain-lain. jadi, angkatanku ini adalah angkatan yang pertama kali menggunakan kurikulum 2013.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Ramadhan just gone and holiday was coming. actually, it gonna be end 2 days later. I feel so guilty because I couldn't utilize Ramadhan month as perfect as I hope. I wish, I could see Ramadhan next year and promise to my self I'll utilize that month well. bytheway, Happy Eid 1434H buddyyyy ;) I apologize for every fault I made and let's start the new paper. Idul Fitri is identic with homecoming or people call it 'mudik'. me and my family one of million people who does this tradition. we went to our family first at Subang, and then go to Cianjur, then go to Bandung, and last we go to Jakarta. hahaha, perfect holiday ever! if you ask me, am I got tired? of course yessss. it was a long trip. it took so many ours. yet, I tried to enjoy it.
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