Thursday, March 31, 2011

Miley Cyrus - 7things

I probably shouldn’t say this
But at times I get scared
When I think about the previous
Relationship we’ve shared
It was awesome but we lost it
It’s not possible for me not to care
Now we’re standing in the rain
But nothin’s ever gonna change until you hear, my dear
The 7 things I hate about you
The 7 things I hate about you (oh you)
You’re vein, your games, you’re insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don’t know which side to buy
Your friends they’re jerks
When you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you
It’s awkward and it’s silent
As I wait for you to say
What I need to hear now
Your sincere apology
And when you mean it, I’ll believe it
If you text it, I’ll delete it
Let’s be clear
Oh I’m not coming back
You’re taking 7 steps here
The 7 things I hate about you
You’re vein, your games, you’re insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don’t know which side to buy
Your friends they’re jerks
When you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you
And compared to all the great things
That would take too long to write
I probably should mention
The 7 that I like
The 7 things I like about you
Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi’s
And when we kiss, I’m hypnotized
You make me laugh, you make me cry
But I guess that’s both I’ll have to buy
Your hand in mine
When we’re intertwined everything’s alright
I want to be
With the one I know
And the 7 things I like the most that you do
You make me love you
You do (oh)

Friday, March 04, 2011

Birthday Party

tanggal 4maret2011. akhirnya aku jadi ngerayain ulgtaun di snap cafe hehe. sebenernya jam5 mulai tapi ya agak telatan, jadi jam6 kurang baru lengkap. tiup lilin,nyanyi lagu happy birthday hahaha sama potong kue trus cake nya buat mamah<3333 than foto2, lucu2an sama makan2 hehehe. mana fabian yua ampun muanja sekaleh-_-
oke. big thanks to ocha, dysa, sekar, ellen, hani, elva, fabian, mas gembul  mbak : bibi, dinda, sella, almas, vanda, ceza, sasa, dista, ela, retno, mamontt, utin. and special thanks for ocha, dysa, ellen, fabian, elva, hani mb : almas, sekar, bibi, dinda, sasa, dista&mbak vanda for your gift. Love you so much:*

Friday, February 25, 2011


semua orang dasarnya pasti baik, setelah itu tergantung apa yang mereka pilih. cuma ada dua pilihan di hidup ini baik dan buruk. kalo kita milih yang baik, diniatin aja dan dijalanin pake hati ikhlas&tulus pastinya;) it's for make you be better person.
yaaaa dan aku sendiri sadar aku bukan anak yang baik haha. kalo bolosan apa termasuk baik?enggak kan. pengen diniatin aja lah bismilah biar aku rajin belajar, kalo disuruh les nggak males-malesan. nggak main terus. manut sama papamama. dan pastinya I'll make my parents proud. oke, niat itu udah awal yang bagus kok. seterusnya tinggal kemauan, then langkah kita buat maju ke depan. semoga aku bisa Ya Allah. I'll try to be better person!:)